November 2023 update: Somerston has submitted an outline planning application, reference number: 23/1163/OOU for up to 135 new homes, with at least 50% being affordable homes. You are invited to respond to Surrey Heath Borough Council’s statutory planning consultation.
The land at Grove End can deliver a sustainable development of up to 135 new homes, with a minimum of 50% affordable homes, to help Surrey Heath Borough Council deliver much needed housing. Our site provides an opportunity to deliver these highly sustainable homes within a high-quality landscaped setting.
Although the land is currently in the Green Belt, it is on the edge of Bagshot, very well connected to public transport and local services, as well as close to the M3. Not all of Surrey Heath’s housing can be accommodated within existing urban areas or on brownfield land, and Somerston believe that land at Grove End can deliver a valuable part of this growth in a sustainable and sensitive manner.
Public consultation event
In September 2022 we held a consultation event in the Three Mariners pub in Bagshot.
Thank you to everyone who came and gave us their feedback.